Tuesday, March 24, 2015


A couple of days ago there was a cricket match between South Africa and New Zealand. I looked up on the internet for the updates on the score of the match. Unfortunately the match had stopped half way due to rain. As the internet showed pictures of rain, my eyes lit up. I noticed a picture of a rainbow over the cricket stadium. It was so beautiful! It was like God was in a mood of painting a rainbow on the sky. God has his own way of getting my attention. I couldn't help but thinking about the rainbow.

Rainbow was a sign given by God. It was a covenant between God and man never to destroy the earth by floods. But how does that apply to me now? Does it have a deeper meaning? I then, came across this Thai proverb, "Rainbow after the rain!". On a rainy day the sky is grey, with dark black clouds. Everything look gloomy and miserable. Then the rain stops, the clouds pass and with the sun, the sky becomes bright and blue, lifting our spirits. In life we face many times when things are not going well. But these dark times always pass and the good times return. Indeed, often having experienced the bad, we appreciate the good even more. Difficult times do not last for ever.

I read this somewhere:

God never promise us a good life on earth;
but He gave the assurance that there will always
be a rainbow after the rain.

Life on earth is not always what we expected
and wanted it to be. But if we can put our
trust in God, He can sail us through definitely.

God never let us bear what is impossible;
and He makes sure what we bear is the
limit that we can take without much difficulty.

After the rain, things will be changed;
everything on earth seems to be new
and clean.

After rain there's a rainbow, after a storm there's calm, after the night there's a morning, and after a ending there's a new beginning.

PS: After world cup there is IPL ;)

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