Saturday, January 26, 2013


Very often I feel very depressed about my skin complexion especially when I live in a racist country like India. Most people consider fair skinned-girls as extremely gorgeous while the darker complexion girls like me are just average or even less than that. Popular definition for a beautiful girl is often quoted as "fair" in many matrimonial sites. Many times I thought that if I was fair I would be married by now or if I was fair people would have liked me and stuff. I always wondered why God made my skin so dark while the 2 beautiful ladies in my house (my mom and my sister) are fair.

But then Psalm 139 says, "I am marvelously made". When God made me, He made no mistakes. He thought I was perfect. He made no mistake with the way He designed my appearance, my skin tone, my height, my weight, my face and with all that He gave a lovely touch with a beautiful smile. I'm guessing after creating me He must have smiled at me and said, "You are a master piece, Grace!" :-) (The same for you) This morning I was reading the Song of Solomon and it says God( the Bridegroom) choose the dark women among so many women. Wow! That encouraged me. God has His own way of speaking to me through His word. It makes me admire His beautiful creation. Some of the most beautiful women of earth are dark skinned. And indeed GOD MAKES NO MISTAKES!!!

PS: This blog is dedicated to beautiful dark-skinned girls who have low self esteem of themselves :) Please remember DARK IS BEAUTIFUL

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

When God Does It, It’s Perfect!

A friend of mine emailed this to me and it was so encouraging. I'm so blessed to know the truth from God's word. I tried handling lot of things myself along with God. But it was all in vain so I decided to lay ALL my plans and ALL my desire on the alter. Like how Abraham climbed Mount Moriah to lay down Issac just like that I have climbed Mount Moriah lot of times but it's gonna be different this time coz I'm laying it ALL on the alter. This time I want God ALONE to plan. By faith I declare that when When God Does It, It’s Perfect! I hope it blesses you as well. Here it goes:

Once as a young child, I came across a shrub with gorgeous flowers. When I discovered a budding flower among the fully opened ones, I thought that it would be a great idea to help it blossom. So I tried to peel open the petals one by one…and bit by bit, the flower became undone as the petals were torn off in my little hands. I had begun with good intentions, but killed the poor flower in the end!

My friend, when it comes to our areas of concern, our human efforts to solve our problems, despite the best of intentions, cannot produce results that are as beautiful as if we were to allow God’s wisdom and timing to do it. It’s when we rest from our self-efforts and struggles to solve our problems, and allow God to work in us and through us, that we see divine results.
I’ve often said this: If God wants all the glory, then allow Him to do all the work. God loves it when you look to and lean on Him alone. In heaven, it’s, “Worthy is the Lamb,” and not, “Worthy is the Lamb…and me.”

Beloved, stop trying to make it all happen through your own strength and wisdom. Cease from trying and start trusting the Lord. Let Him work in and through you to overcome your challenges, accomplish your dreams and fulfill His plans and purposes for your life. When God does it with His incomparable wisdom, power and timing, it can only be perfect!

…it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
Philippians 2:13
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Saturday, January 12, 2013


This is one of the most favourite messages I have heard from Joel Osteen. I will hear this message over and over again coz YES IS IN MY FUTURE!

All of God's promises are YES and AMEN!

Every NO  means you are simply one step closer to your YES!

When God has put that promise in you He had already planned for you.

Even thought you have had 1000 NO's ,would you still trust God for an YES!

Faith causes God to move! You are in it to win it.
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Thursday, January 10, 2013


We dream our dreams
We prepare our plans
But God out dreams us every time!
And out plans us every time!
God's dreams are zillion zillion times above and beyond anything we could  ever dream for ourselves.

I say let's live His dream!

Well, I've noticed that when God desires something, He takes responsibility for it and provides for it. He was gracious enough provide me bike without borrowing any money from anyone. His money wasn't wasted in loans and interest rates and stuff like that in getting me a new bike. On top of that, He surprised me (just because He felt like it) with an awesome promise for this new year from Ephesians 3:20 which says , Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that at work in us

This verse kinda got a whole new dimension to my faith life. If we use that as a basis for understanding Ephesians 3:20, the possibilities are mind-blowing. Think about it. We don't know the depth and breadth or the scope of the things that we don't know. Our imaginations are restricted by the boundaries of our knowledge. This has to make you shout out loud with joy that we serve a God that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above anything we can ask or THINK. "Exceedingly abundantly above"? That phrase ventures boldly into the realm of the unknown. This is the God we serve. He can work in ways we don't even know how to ask Him to work because He works in ways that surpass our intellect, understanding and imagination. God Himself declares that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than ours (Is. 55:8).

If we are mindful of that, then we will be able to trust God and that He will work in on our behalf in ways that are far past finding out. No situation is too hopeless for God to reach into and bring His transforming grace!
As we go through this year, let us covenant together to make sure that we don't limit Almighty God to work within the boundaries of our understanding and imagination. Our God is the God of “immeasurably more!”

Heavenly Father, I believe You can do immeasurably more in me.
Please give me eyes to see the immeasurably more you want to do through me!
In Jesus Name
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