Thursday, January 25, 2018


Have you ever heard of “EVEN NOW FAITH”? Sounds interesting right? We all face situations that looks like they’ll never work out.

Martha faces such odds. Her brother Lazarus was sick and they informed Jesus. But Jesus came after 4 days by then Lazarus was dead. Martha, his sister says to Jesus in John 11:21-22 “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that EVEN NOW God will give you whatever you ask.”

Martha had an EVEN NOW FAITH. Later we read that Jesus brings the dead man back to life. Martha had no concept of Jesus speaking life back into his cold corpse. So what did she mean when she said, “even now”? In spite of the fact that everything hasn’t worked out the way she had hoped, she still trusted Jesus!

Are you in such a dead situation right now? Your health may be failing, your finances may be dead, and your relationship might be dead or anything else that has no life in it. That’s when you need to have an EVEN NOW FAITH.

Whatever you may be facing today, God can make the impossible possible. He can breathe life to your dead situation. The dead things in your life can come back to life.

Do we have the EVEN NOW FAITH? Do you still love Him when He doesn’t do things your way? Do you trust Him enough to believe that He knows best? Remember your faith is stronger than your feelings!

He’s an EVEN NOW God but you have to have EVEN NOW FAITH.

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Friday, January 5, 2018


Christmas is over, relatives have backpedaled home, decorations are slowing falling off, the presents are not any more under the tree, the festival has arrived at an end and here I am reflecting how the year has passed by. Goodness, what a year 2017 has been!

All I can say is "Thank you God that I survived one of the hardest year!" 

Well, it’s already the first week of a spic and span year. I have been asking God for the past few weeks to give me something to dwell on this year or rather focus on a word or a phase like I have been doing in the past.

If I remember right, as far back as Thanksgiving, I have been reminded time and time again to BE THANKFUL. Indeed, even for our family thanksgiving we named the theme as “GIVE THANKS”. So we had everyone share what they are thankful for the current year. It was really a time of refreshing and venting away emotions.

Each time I sing the song “Thank you Lord” it’s like a confirmation that I need to be thankful for blessings that I cannot see. I pulled out a list from my life for 100 things that I am thankful for and I was amazed how thankfulness can actually make you really happy. It can wipe away discouragement. Occasionally I scribble down things that I am thankful for in my “Thankfulness journal” and my "Thankfulness page". It just lifts my soul up.

On Sunday the 31st of December, guess what the sermon was about, “THANKFULNESS”. I nearly cried. It was only the confirmation I needed that God needs me to be thankful this year. I have made up my mind to be thankful in every circumstance - good or bad. Somebody stated, “Gratitude prompts Miracles and Miracles originates from Obedience”. Regardless of whether receive my miracle or not, I choose to be thankful because God has a purpose behind every plan. Steven Furtick says “The thing that hurt you most might be the thing that produces the greatest power in your life” I say AMEN to that.

Besides making a resolution to be more thankful, I have few more of them that I pursue to resolve:

What I pursue to resolve in 2018

Save more & spend less
Eat enough & waste less
Trust more & doubt less
Pray more & worry less
Write more & postpone less
Give more & expect less
Smile more & frown less
Thank more & complain less
Love more & hurt less

- My version inspired by Angie
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Monday, January 1, 2018


"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don't have,
you will never, ever have enough."

Oprah Winfrey

This week, I've been writing a great deal about gratitude and it's no surprise that this has inspired me to think about all of the things I am thankful for. Every once and awhile I pull out my thankfulness list (click the link to read more about it) and I add things to it. Yesterday, as I was thinking about gratitude, I realized that this list is somewhat like a gratitude journal. I'm really both happy and thankful for all of these things in my life. All of the things that make me so happy are things that I'm also grateful for! As tempting as it is to share all of those with you, I'll sum it up with my top 100...

  1. God. Everything I do is to Him and everything I have is from Him.
  2. Life. How cool is that I'm actually here, in this world, living?
  3. Family. There is no way I could survive without them. Love you guys!
  4. Friends. Even if we don’t see them every day. They add colors to my life.
  5. Love. It's completely magical and amazing, isn't it?
  6. Words. They are literally my life line. I would not be me without them.
  7. Choice. I love that every day I can choose to be happy. Fabulous!
  8. Music. It's one of those things that literally lifts my spirit up.
  9. Color. As you can probably tell from my site, I'm obsessed with it!
  10. Miracles. Every day we experience it. I believe in miracles!
  11. Art. To quote Ani Difranco, "Art is why I get up in the morning."
  12. Health. I have my ups and downs but I'm so, so, so happy that I can breathe.
  13. Seasons. Spring, summer, rainy, winter, fall -- love 'em all!
  14. Stars. It says God placed the stars in the sky and he named them all. How cool is that!
  15. Acceptance. I'm so thankful to those who accept me for who I am.
  16. Rainbows. It reminds me of the Gods convent to man. It’s like God painting on the sky!
  17. Blogs. I love writing mine and I love all the blogs I read on a regular basis.
  18. Laughter. The biggest medicine of all. I love to laugh till I get tears in my eyes.
  19. Holidays. There's something incredibly exciting about them (especially Christmas!!!).
  20. Sunshine. On a cold winter day there’s nothing like a warm sunshine.
  21. Books. There's never a time when I'm not thankful for the words of another.
  22. Organization. It might seem boring to some, but I'm really glad I'm organized.
  23. Generosity. One of those things that's just as great to give as it is to get.
  24. Encouragement. So many people have supported me in my life and I'm so blessed to have them.
  25. Accountability. I'm so glad I've finally realized that I'm accountable for myself and my life.
  26. Smiles. I love giving them and getting them. As Buddy the Elf says, "Smiling's my favorite!"
  27. Change. It scares the shit out of me sometimes, but it can be a wonderful thing.
  28. Fun. Who doesn't love a little bit (or a lot!) of fun in their lives?
  29. Home. This is something I usually take for granted, but I love my beautiful house!
  30. Comfort. Comfort food, comfy jumpsuit, a comfortable relationship...comfort rocks!
  31. Hope. Sometimes it's hard to find, but it's always there, waiting to lift me up.
  32. Handwriting. It's so cool how we're all have our very own font style.
  33. Glitter. C'mon now, you know glitter is just about the awesomest thing ever.
  34. Patience. I don't have very much of it yet, but I'm getting better at it every day! 
  35. Photographs. There is nothing quite like a brilliant image to capture a moment.
  36. Travel. I love to travel particularly to cold regions. A winter trip is my favorite of all.
  37. Honesty. It really is the best policy.
  38. Surprises. As long as they're good, I lovvvvvve them.
  39. October. Best month ever, hands down.
  40. Anchor. I can't help but get exited every time I see them.
  41. Passion. One of the best things: seeing someone passionate about what they do or who they love.
  42. Mangoes. If only they were non-seasonal. I would eat them every day.
  43. Dreams. Both the daytime or nighttime variety are pretty cool.
  44. Films. A movie that leaves you feeling moved or happy-- priceless!
  45. Positivity. Look for the good in everything and you will find it.
  46. Knowledge. Gaining and possessing knowledge is one of the best things in life.
  47. Quality Time. When you get to spend really quality time with someone, it's sooo fantastic.
  48. Fishes. How different and colorful they are! Fascinating!
  49. Kindness. Even the smallest act or word can change a day around. Seriously.
  50. Sleep. There's nothing like a soft pillow and a warm blanket after a long, hard day.
  51. Dancing. I can't say I'm good at it, but I love to do it especially a Zumba class!
  52. Safe Landings. Gotta love those after a turbulence-filled international flights! Scary!
  53. Food. It's a major part of life, but I often forget to be thankful for it.
  54. Challenges. They may suck at the time, but they always make me a better person. 
  55. Imagination. I don't know where (or who!) I would be without it...
  56. Compliments. Yeah, you know you're thankful for 'em too.
  57. Facebook. It's awesome connecting with people on there and a great resource for new info.
  58. Education. So happy to be able to read and write and gain knowledge.
  59. Freedom. Another thing I often take for granted, but am so blessed to have.
  60. Plans. I love knowing that fun things are coming up. Putting plans in place is great!
  61. Church. Seriously, it has changed my life in so many amazing ways.
  62. Riding. My bike, the road, the people, the traffic... no comments! 
  63. Inspiration. There's nothing quite like coming across something that inspires you.
  64. Peace. I'm not always at peace with myself and the world, but I'm working on it.
  65. Productivity. It feels so great to strike off something from your “to-do” list.
  66. Emotions. Sometimes it's scary to feel things deeply, but it's also very wonderful.
  67. Creativity. It's such a great feeling to make something and know it came from your heart.
  68. Good News. We all know there's a lot of bad news out there, so it's great to hear the good stuff.
  69. Clothes. Even though I'm a grown-up, I still loveeeeeeeeee playing dress up.
  70. Apologies. It feels great to hear them and even better to say them.
  71. Forgiveness. This is also pretty great if you're in the wrong...
  72. Weekends. Ahh, to be work-free for a few days. Love it!
  73. Speakers: Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, John Gray, Steven Furtick... I heart you.
  74. Now. It's awesome to live in the moment. The only time we have is NOW!
  75. Respect. One of the best things we can do is respect others -- and ourselves.
  76. Shoes. Considering I have about 15 of them, I'd say I'm pretty grateful for 'em.
  77. Joy. It's something that is all around us -- we just have to look for it.
  78. New Places. They can be scary sometimes, but the excitement is part of the fun!
  79. Kisses. There are all sorts of kisses, but all of them are so awesome.
  80. Memories. I don't like to dwell too much on the past, but it's awesome to look back sometimes.
  81. Excitement. I've had a fair amount of it in my life lately and I love it!
  82. Coziness. It feels so good to cuddle up and be cozy with a person you love.
  83. Thoughts. I have a lot of them (a lot, a lot!) and I'm thankful for every single one.
  84. Internet. Oh, what in the world would I do without you, World Wide Web??
  85. Compassion. It feels wonderful to be compassionate to others.
  86. Journals. All of those blank, beautiful pages!! I cannot get enough of them!
  87. Christmas. Hands down! The most wonderful time of the year! Always!
  88. Water. Another one of those things I tend to take for granted, but it's super important.
  89. Energy. Sometimes I lack this but when I have them I’m super happy! Yippee!
  90. Questions. When I question things and when others question me, I learn. Love that! 
  91. Time. I've already spent a pretty good amount of time being me, and I'm thankful for that.
  92. Hugs. Hugs are one of the reasons God gave us arms. A good hug can brighten any day.
  93. Earth. This place is pretty cool, if you ask me. Thanks for letting me live here, Earth!
  94. Safety. More often than not, I feel very safe to have that privilege.
  95. Strength. I'm not that physically strong, but I have a lot of internal strength that I need to be thankful for.
  96. Independence. It's great to be free, but it's also important to be independent.
  97. Gifts. I adore buying gifts for others (and don't mind receiving them myself! ha!).
  98. Enthusiasm. Life's too short to sit around being bored so get into it! 
  99. Gratitude. Without it, I don't think I would be nearly as happy as I am right now.
  100. YOU. Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading and support this blog. You. Are. Awesome.

Please feel free to share with me in the comments section one of the things that you're grateful for today. I'd love to hear about the things that inspire you to have an attitude of gratitude!

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