Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Sometimes God just blows you away with surprises. It unimaginable and amazing how God plans the timeline of your life and how He fulfills your hearts desires and dreams.

One of my cousins asked me that what my dreams were and if they have been fulfilled. As I began to think about it, I was amazed at the timeline in which God has been fulfilling my dreams and wishlists.

Looking back, these were few of my dreams, desires, wishes and silent prayers:

I always wanted to serve God onboard the ship, Logos Hope. God miraculously gave me an opportunity to live on the ship for 3 months and meet so many people around the world. I was blown away when my boss gave me leave for 3 months. Plus, I got godly friends as a bonus on the ship.

I love visiting different countries but I knew it was impossible. But God was so good to me that He blew me away by taking me to Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Germany, Dubai, Sharjah, Doha, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka. I asked God for one country but He took me to 9 for which I’m so grateful.

Like all girls dream about their future husband, I wanted to have a husband just like my dad. It unbelievable how many similarities Solomon and my dad have. I'm just blown away by the way they love me, take care of me and the similar way they react to my tantrums.

My dream was to write books and encourage people through my stories. It was impossible since I always felt insecure about my writing skills. But last year God was gracious to me and helped me to release my first book for which I’m blown away.

They say that everyone should love what they do. I’m passionate about designing (clothes, interiors, and web). I’m so happy that I work as a web designer. I’m blown away that what I studied is what I became and what I work. God gave me the exact job that I love.

Growing up, beautiful home interiors have fascinated me. When we renovated our house, I could implement a few designs that I have admired. Making my house a home of my dream was one of my cherished moment. I was blown away by God’s financial providence.

Not all these were fulfilled according to my timetable. Deep down in my heart, these were my dreams, desires, wishes and silent prayers. Although the waiting time was so hard, God’s timing was perfect. When I ponder on why God let me wait so long, I'm just blown away. He does all things beautiful in His time. His ways are just beyond PERFECT!

Are you waiting for God to do something in your life? Be ready to be blown away by His goodness!

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