Sunday, March 31, 2019


“Why aren’t you are planning for kids?” 
“It’s been long you have been married!”
“All your friends have kids!”
“Why are you delaying so much?”
“You are getting old!” 
“It’s high time you start trying!”

These were some things people told me a couple of years ago. Some of them were indeed painful as I had an unspoken health issue. I had prayed, cried and literally begged God to heal me. How do I tell everyone that I have been going through a tough journey battling with my health? We all have our own battles to fight. They are sometimes are unspoken and cannot be published on Facebook walls. During such phase that I read this quote:

“Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”
Oh, how true that is!


Life isn’t what we plan. How often we judge someone and wonder why they not getting married, why they are not having a baby, why they are not having another baby, why they are separated, why they are divorced, why they left their job, why they dress in a certain way and a million things! I have learned that I am no one to judge as they might be fighting an unspoken battle. All I can do is be kind to them.


God has been extremely KIND to me by healing me and especially by giving me a baby. As every year I pick up a phrase a verse to mediate, I had been asking God what should work on this year. And time and time again I am reminded that I need to work on being KIND this year. When I didn’t deserve, God was kind to me and I would want to reciprocate kindness to those around me. I want to be so full of KINDNESS that it becomes contagious.


I have so many personal stories to share with you about how the kindness of God and people has been a thread throughout my life especially this year. Ever since my baby has been born there have been numerous ways that people have shown us extra kindness in giving us all that our baby needs. From baby crib, carrier, car seat, stroller, trolley, dining chair, toys, bather, tub, blankets, silver, gold, numerous clothes and what not. My heart is uncontainable as it is filled with stories of kindness.


We may not always know what people battle are battling in life. When tempted to be unkind, I put myself in their shoes and remind myself that:
They did not choose to be in that position
Who am I to judge?
They might have an unspoken pain
How can I be kind to them?

Kindness is more than just something to read about in a book, it cannot be explained in words. It's something to be experienced. My greatest hope is that you will experience kindness and you share the same to those around you.

Coz kindness is contagious!

Leaving behind a scripture that I love:
 “Praise the LORD, my soul, and do not forget how kind he is.” Psalm 103:2

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