Saturday, May 26, 2018


Recently I saw one of the most beautiful wonderful audition on Britain's Got Talent 2018. It was a cute father-and-son duo singing their original song, "The Lucky Ones". To be honest, I couldn't hold back tears when I heard the song, the lyrics and saw the love between the two. Here is the video of the full audition. Hope you enjoy it.

Lay your head on me, as I fall to sleep
Put your arms around mine. Stay here by my side

We’re the lucky ones. Only just begun
Others leave too young. We’re the lucky ones

’till your eyes can see, I’ll be all you need
Put your hands in mine. Stay here by my side

We’re the lucky ones. Only just begun
Others leave too young. We’re the lucky ones

Promise me no matter how the years change us
You’re perfectly and perfect, just how you were meant to be

And all through our lives, I’ll be yours
Say you will be mine

We’re the lucky ones. Only just begun
Others leave too young

But we are the lucky ones
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Saturday, May 12, 2018


Have you ever lost your phone? Well, recently I did lose mine and just couldn’t track it. I was a bit low as it was gifted by my husband for my birthday. Nevertheless, I applied for a duplicate sim but it took forever to actually get it to work. While waiting for a new phone and a sim I was without a phone for few days.

Before this productivity experiment, my smartphone was like a leech, so interwoven into my life that I couldn’t dream of living without it. While cell phones are one of the best inventions, I’ve grabbed something different, amazing and interesting for you about my experience without a phone.

10 things I learnt living without a cell phone:

1. Time

Most often I am busy and often complain about not having enough time to do anything. A few minutes of playing a game and a few minutes checking the weather, news, social media or email adds up to several hours a week. Not having my phone gave me so much of time to tick off from my to-do list. You won’t believe how productive you could be at work too!

2. Self-control

Not having my phone made me realise that I don’t have to take a picture of every damn thing and upload on social media. I began to think that there should be some kind of limit or self-control from the social media addiction that I have especially from just swiping those zillion pictures on Instagram, Facebook or from my own gallery.

3. Peace

Generally I get so disturbed when I see some images and read some sad news on social media. It would make me so depressed and stressed. Not having my phone gave me so much of peace that I was indeed less stressed than I normally am.

4. Respect people

Not having a phone made me realise how disrespectful and ignorant it is to fiddle with your phone in company of people. When I noticed that while talking to some and they were fiddling with their phones, sadly I realised I have done that many times too.

5. Missed nothing

It's actually weird but I have to admit that I didn’t miss anything. The people who needed to reach me found a way. I don’t need to be available all the time on whats-app or emails. If I am offline on social media, the world wont come crashing down. After all I realised that I’m not that important :)

6. Relief

I used to worry about losing my expensive smartphone all the time. So I’d often check my pocket to see if it was still there. Now it wasn’t. Every time I acknowledged that, I felt a sense of freedom and relief. Definitely, one thing less to worry about.

7. Contentment

Sometimes it seems like people(not everyone) tend to show off a bit on social media. If someone has got something better than what I have and they upload a picture on social media. I see it and I tend to long for it and dream about it and eventually end up being discontent with what I have. Not being on social media made me content by not desiring things that I don't have.

8. Happy

It might sound weird that I was actually happy not to have a phone. It’s something like a big heavy weight had been taken off from me. I was definitely not worried at all about anything. The news, the media, the mails – nothing to worry about!

9. First things

First thing in the morning I tend to do after I wake up is to check my phone and the last thing I do before going to bed was the same. When I didn’t have my phone, I picked up the Bible as the first thing when I woke up. Phones can be a huge distraction while reading the Bible.

10. Sleep

Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, I tend to fiddle my phone and loose out on sleep. It used to give me a headache the next morning. To be honest, without my phone I was able to sleep better.


No no no, I’m not saying everyone to stop using your phone but I invite you to conduct your own experiment. Hide your phone for a day and see what happens. The goal is not to get rid of your phone forever, but to see what you learn from not having one for a while.

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