Saturday, January 26, 2013


Very often I feel very depressed about my skin complexion especially when I live in a racist country like India. Most people consider fair skinned-girls as extremely gorgeous while the darker complexion girls like me are just average or even less than that. Popular definition for a beautiful girl is often quoted as "fair" in many matrimonial sites. Many times I thought that if I was fair I would be married by now or if I was fair people would have liked me and stuff. I always wondered why God made my skin so dark while the 2 beautiful ladies in my house (my mom and my sister) are fair.

But then Psalm 139 says, "I am marvelously made". When God made me, He made no mistakes. He thought I was perfect. He made no mistake with the way He designed my appearance, my skin tone, my height, my weight, my face and with all that He gave a lovely touch with a beautiful smile. I'm guessing after creating me He must have smiled at me and said, "You are a master piece, Grace!" :-) (The same for you) This morning I was reading the Song of Solomon and it says God( the Bridegroom) choose the dark women among so many women. Wow! That encouraged me. God has His own way of speaking to me through His word. It makes me admire His beautiful creation. Some of the most beautiful women of earth are dark skinned. And indeed GOD MAKES NO MISTAKES!!!

PS: This blog is dedicated to beautiful dark-skinned girls who have low self esteem of themselves :) Please remember DARK IS BEAUTIFUL


  1. I love that you are embracing the beautiful you God made! You are right, He doesn't make mistakes. I love your coloring. Your skin is rich & vibrant & you are a beautiful woman. It is sad that there are many in the world who do not appreciate the rainbow of complexions that God has given to His created ones. In the U.S. many women are dissatisfied that they are too pale & work hard to be darker. Wouldn't it be amazing if we would all be content with how God made us & that the color of our skin would not be a source of discrimination or oppression or dissatisfaction but a source of celebrating God's creativity & the beauty of each woman/person who was uniquely created? Longing for the day that what is on the inside is what is valued & the color of our skin is appreciated & celebrated. Yes, Grace, you are a masterpiece!

  2. Thank you aunty Val... That is so true...Was just a bit upset when I blogged but yea I'm over it now by God's help :)
