Monday, March 6, 2017


It's been a really busy start to the first quarter of this year. I feel so guilty that I haven't been able to blog as much as I should. A lot has been going on. God has been showing himself more evident than ever this year. How I wish I could tell you everything that He does everyday. All I can say is that He is real and He is alive. Over the past few weeks I have seen the hand of God so clearly in the 3 major things that happened.

1. Trip to Sweden

My manager called me and said, "Grace you will have to travel to Sweden for our Project". I was like thinking how is it that out of all the experienced people in my team, I had been chosen. I can boldly say It was purely the favor of God. He took me places I haven't dreamt off. His hand lead me. To add to it, God surprised me with snowfall. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.

2. Healing my brother

It was a shocking to hear that my cousin was suffering from a brain hemorrhage two weeks ago. It was in a life or death experience in the ICU. While the Doctors gave up hope, God had not given up hope. With His great love and mercy he restored back life to my brother. I believe the hand of God touched Him. Although it was critical, I knew God was in control. He is sovereign. He indeed is a healer.

3. Favor at work

For more than 8 years I have been working, I have never ever been recognized or appreciated for any work I do. This year I have been working harder than ever, while everyone does 8 hours of work I have worked for more than 12 hours. Last weekend I worked straight for 18 hours and was super exhausted emotionally and physically. But God's hand upheld me. The next day I got an email from the Head of the Department appreciating my work. That was all I needed. It was like God saying well done my child.

An apt verse for this post, from Ecclesiastes 2:24 where King Solomon says, "So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God."

Indeed it's THE HAND OF GOD!


  1. sr Francina BrittoMarch 9, 2017 at 6:44 PM

    Hi Grace, i do join you to praise the name of our Lord Jesus for His nearness to you and to see His hand in all that you do. it is so amazing to see you realize in every little thing!! wish you for the coming days too.

    1. Thank you so much sister :) glad to hear from you!
