Thursday, December 8, 2016


How often do we take time to reflect on the things we’re thankful for? Once a month? Once a week, at church, perhaps? We say thank you for gifts, special favors or for assistance in times of need. But it's not only the big things where thank you matters. We also say thank you as we're handed our change in the store, thank you to someone who holds the door for us, and thank you to the person who passes us the salt at dinner. It's a phrase that is pretty much ubiquitous. But it's never unwelcome, and it can mean so much. Thank yous are often expressed by rote. As we approach towards the end of the year it's time to express thankfulness from the bottom of our hearts.

Here are 10 Creative Ways To Say 'Thank You'!

1. Make them a 'thank you' video.

2. Say it with a small handmade gift.

3. Say it with a phone call

4. Or give a little tasty treat.

5. Summon your talent and write a poem.

6. Say it with a 'thank you' note.

7. Say it in another language.

8. Say it with a list.

9. Spend quality time together.

10. Just say it. It doesn't cost anything.

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