Monday, January 4, 2016


Life is more than what you think. To a happy 2016!

After rain there's a rainbow, 
After a storm there's calm, 
After the night there's a morning,
After an ending there's a new beginning

After valley there's a mountain,
After the fall there's rise,
After a decrease there's increase,
After the war there's peace

After low there's a high, 
After sadness there's happiness,
After ashes there's beauty,
After mourning there's joy

After a question there's an answer, 
After the battle there's victory,
After the sickness there's healing,
After hate there's love

After the unbelief there's faith,
After darkness there's light
After fear there's freedom
After despair there's hope

After the mess there's a message,
After the past there's a future,
After the mistake there's a miracle,
After the worst there's a best

After failure there's success
After the flood there's sunshine
After the famine there's harvest
After death there's life

- Grace Xavier

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