Monday, May 16, 2016


I still remember those days. She was laughter. She was joy. She was as adorable as life got.

It wasn’t the easiest of transitions. I woke up one day and suddenly my world wasn’t just about me anymore. The days I could not go on. But she made it better.

Someone once asked me what my favorite day ever was. I didn’t have to think because I knew. I knew the moment it happened that I’ll never forget that day. It was the day I saw her.

I remember the first time she scared me. She hid behind a wall and waited for me to walk out of our restroom. When I took the first step, she whispered “Bhaaa.” Little did she know, I was so lost in thought, the mere word almost skipped a heartbeat. I may be scarred for life but the way she laughs still rings in my head.

She is everything I’ll never be. Always has been. She was a parent’s day dream. She knew what she wanted. She didn’t aim for the sky. She aimed for what she could do. And she did it. She sang her heart out.

We’ve shared a lot. We’ve shared a room. We’ve shared clothes. We’ve shared secrets. Gossip. Life stories. Late night thoughts about the future. My dream man. Her dream wedding.

We’ve been on adventures together. Recording songs. Recording videos. Lied together. Laughed together. Fought the world together. Fought with each other. Teased people together. Teased each other. She taught me what sharing is. We had our differences. But we found common ground.

We’re not as close as we once were. She became a teenager. She found her friends. She found people she could relate to. But it didn’t mean we loved each other any less. We still had our talk. She still knew how insecure I could be. I still knew how much of a drama queen she could be.

And I still can’t believe. After so many years of treating her like a child, she’s no longer a teenager! She’s a woman! 

Each word here is a little reminder of a moment we spent together. A moment we laughed together. A moment we lived together. 

Most importantly, no matter how big a fight we’ve had, how embarrassed we’ve made each other feel or how much she loses my stuff, we’ll never give up on each other.

Because she’s not just someone I’ve known. She’s someone I’ve loved since the moment she was born.

She’s my younger sister.

And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her.

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