Saturday, February 10, 2018


Have you ever felt that God has forgotten you? I have. I can’t help but get discouraged when I don’t hear Him. I do get anxious when my prayers are far from being answered. Those times when God seems silent, I feel He has forgotten me may be.

I have been literally begging God to speak to me and reveal His purpose for my pain.  Or at least let me know why my prayers are not being answered. I wanted dreams and signs like we read in the Old Testament. I wanted a burning bush experience, or a count the stars in the sky experience or a rainbow experience, or a angel visitation experience. I longed and prayed for signs and wonders and miracles. But no, nothing happened. I felt really discouraged that I stopped reading the Bible. I was upset with myself thinking God had forgotten me.

While I was deep diving in my depression, I heard dad listening to a sermon. And the speaker said, God is saying, “Before you call I will answer; while you are still speaking I will hear.” I pondered in my mind, if God says this in His word why isn’t he speaking to me. I thought to myself God has indeed forgotten me. I justified myself from the scripture. It says when Rachel wanted to bear children, but could not, we read that “God remembered Rachel” (Gen. 30:22). I even prayed, God please remember me.

The next day, while scrolling on Instagram, I read a post saying, “God has not forgotten about you. Whatever it is you have been believing for, it has not been ignored or forgotten about. As if He could forget about something He knitted together, breathed into, and gave purpose. There’s no way!” I read it again and again till in sank in my heart. 

Couple of days later, I clicked on a sermon link on the internet and the very first line the speaker spoke was, God is saying, “Before you call I will answer; while you are still speaking I will hear.” I paused the video. I cried. This is all I wanted to hear. I knew it was God speaking to me. Indeed God remembered me.

If anyone reading this post feels the same way, I want to encourage you that God is still working even in the silence. He never forgets His child. He's paid His price for you. You have come too far to give up now. Hold on coz God has not forgotten you. 

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