Friday, October 29, 2010


Just read this story from Joel Osteen's book about a lil girl called Shari who was three years old when something sharp fell on her hand and she lost the tips of two of her fingers. They rushed her to the emergency room and after they stopped the bleeding, a plastic surgeon examined Shari’s fingers.
“I’m sorry”, he told the lil girl’s father. She’ll never have her nails n they’ll always be lil shorter. The lil gurl’s dad tol the doctor,” I believe God can restore my lil gurls finger’s and make them normal again.

The surgeon said, “They will never be the ryt length & for sure she won’t have fingernails.” The lil gurl’s dad did not argue but stuck to his beliefs.

Six weeks later when the doctor took off the bandage his first words were, “Oh my God.” “The fingernails grew back”, the surgeon said.

To this day Shari’s finger looks perfectly normal. Her story reminds me that we should never be afraid to ask God for uncommon blessings. I respect medical reports. But there is another expert who breathed life into us all. God made you. He holds the world in His hands. Dare to ask God for bigger things!!! Super-size your prayers!!!

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