Monday, October 4, 2010


Many of us, at one time or the other in life, we reach the cross roads of life. I realized that every single day have to make many choices. Sometimes you make the right choice and sometimes you end up making the wrong choice, which myt hurt you. But what happens when you donno what to choose and you are not able to decide what is the best for you. This is a poem I wrote in such a state of confusion, when stuck in the cross roads of my life!

I'm standing here on a cross road,
Feeling so lost in the dense crowd

Confused and distressed my head I bow
"Which way to go?",is the question right now!

Dreams that I have are beyond and above,
None can imagine the things that I love

Too many questions running on my mind,
Is that fake care that is making me blind?

Struggling to let go off what I like
Within myself, my heart is on a strike

Lord help me choose the right way,
That leads me to you every single day

Hope you liked my poem. I think the best way to make the right choice is to ask God :)


  1. aww.. thk u hannah fa being such a gr8 encourager! :) hugs <3

  2. the irony of cross-roads are .... they always resemble the Cross .. but we seldom look up to the Master for advise ... U have beautifully brought it out ... well done
