Friday, January 5, 2018


Christmas is over, relatives have backpedaled home, decorations are slowing falling off, the presents are not any more under the tree, the festival has arrived at an end and here I am reflecting how the year has passed by. Goodness, what a year 2017 has been!

All I can say is "Thank you God that I survived one of the hardest year!" 

Well, it’s already the first week of a spic and span year. I have been asking God for the past few weeks to give me something to dwell on this year or rather focus on a word or a phase like I have been doing in the past.

If I remember right, as far back as Thanksgiving, I have been reminded time and time again to BE THANKFUL. Indeed, even for our family thanksgiving we named the theme as “GIVE THANKS”. So we had everyone share what they are thankful for the current year. It was really a time of refreshing and venting away emotions.

Each time I sing the song “Thank you Lord” it’s like a confirmation that I need to be thankful for blessings that I cannot see. I pulled out a list from my life for 100 things that I am thankful for and I was amazed how thankfulness can actually make you really happy. It can wipe away discouragement. Occasionally I scribble down things that I am thankful for in my “Thankfulness journal” and my "Thankfulness page". It just lifts my soul up.

On Sunday the 31st of December, guess what the sermon was about, “THANKFULNESS”. I nearly cried. It was only the confirmation I needed that God needs me to be thankful this year. I have made up my mind to be thankful in every circumstance - good or bad. Somebody stated, “Gratitude prompts Miracles and Miracles originates from Obedience”. Regardless of whether receive my miracle or not, I choose to be thankful because God has a purpose behind every plan. Steven Furtick says “The thing that hurt you most might be the thing that produces the greatest power in your life” I say AMEN to that.

Besides making a resolution to be more thankful, I have few more of them that I pursue to resolve:

What I pursue to resolve in 2018

Save more & spend less
Eat enough & waste less
Trust more & doubt less
Pray more & worry less
Write more & postpone less
Give more & expect less
Smile more & frown less
Thank more & complain less
Love more & hurt less

- My version inspired by Angie

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