Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Beginning of this year, I received a promise from God. I thought the promise would be fulfilled in January, but nothing happened. I waited for February, March, April….and so on…and now it’s almost September, there is no sign of the promise! I started wring down my frustrated feelings in my journal. I was being honest. "God, it’s been 8 long months of waiting, I am disappointed. Why aren’t my prayers being answered? I have been hoping, trusting and believing you for this promise and nothing seems to happen. Is something wrong with me? Please let me know. Is there anything in my life that is keeping me from receiving the promise? How long must I wait, God?" I have been battling with God to speak to me why His promises aren’t being fulfilled in my life.

I am so guilty of being impatient. I have probably asked the question, “How long must I wait,” so much that God wants to personally come down and tell me to hush child. I’m like the kid on a road trip that ask over and over, “how much longer” or “are we there yet!” Yes, I was that kid and I still am.

But, have you ever experienced such with waiting on God’s timing. Have you ever asked or wondered, God, how long must I wait?
How long must I wait until I get the job?
How long must I wait until I get married?
How long must I wait until my health takes a turn for the better?
How long must I wait until this storm passes?
How long must I wait for this miracle?

One verse that I was often being reminded was from Hebrews 6:12 that reads “…through faith and patience we inherit the promises.” Yesterday, I heard 2 sermons and the preacher quoted the exact same verse in both the sermons. I began to meditate on it. It came to me afresh. I knew that God was trying to speak to me through this verse. God wanted to teach me faith and patience. I so need faith and patience to wait for God’s timing.


Faith is all about believing, you don’t know how it will happen, but you know it will. Faith, it seems, does not operate only in the realm of the immediate, the here and now. In fact, the faith that the Bible often highlights and celebrates is the faith that has to wait – yet keep believing.

Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. Patience grows when we patiently wait. Hebrews 6:15 – “after he patiently endured, he obtained the promise.” Key words here – patiently endured. The promise didn’t come immediately, it took time.

If we give up, we break the promise. Galatians 6:9 –Your prayer request will manifest at the right time, “if” you will be patient AND not give up while you continue going about the Lords business. While you are taking care of His business, behind the scenes He’s taking care of your business.

 Lastly, Habakkuk 2:3 also encourages us to wait for God’s timing: “For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.”

I believe the promise will surely come to pass in His time when we trust Him with faith and patience. For He who has promised is faithful even till the end!!!


  1. Very encouraging Grace... Thank you for writing this one!!
