Thursday, December 10, 2015


I used to commute to work by bike. Dad always enforces the helmet rule on me. However I dislike to wear an helmet since it spoils my hairstyle ;). I was unhappy about this, until the day I fell off my bike and hit my head. But since I had my helmet on, it didn't even hurt. Dad's rule rules! That "terrible" rule has helped me. It reminds me of God and His rules. God has certain rules for us to help...
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015


My aunt met with an accident few days ago and she was telling how she is unable to remember certain things in life after the accident. Immediately my dad told her that even forgetting is a gift of God. This made me think of how forgetting could be a gift. FORGETTING SAVES FROM DEPRESSION People possessing extremely detailed photographic memory are called hyperthymesiacs. At first glance, it...
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015


  "I STILL REMEMBER THE DAYS I PRAYED FOR THE THINGS I HAVE NOW". I read this quote somewhere and couldn’t help but ponder on how true this has been in my own life. When I see how far I have reached, I reflect on those heart felt prayers where I'd ask God for some specific things in life. God is a prayer answering God. HE HEARS. HE ANSWERS. He is alive! There have been season of silence...
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Friday, July 31, 2015


Breezy and cold is the night The land is way out of sight As thunderstorm hits the sea This little ship is holding me Rushing waves soar high As I'm tossed around I cry Cold water chills my spine Holding on tight to the twine The salt burns my wound When no help can be found Fears of drowning prevails As my weak little ship sails Then I hear a still small voice “I am the Anchor”,...
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Saturday, June 27, 2015


In this tutorial I'll show you how you can achieve an old analogue camera style vintage effect in Photoshop. First open up your photo in Photoshop. Click on the adjustment layer button at the bottom of the layers panel, and choose Curves. Choose Green form the dropdown box, and move the green line to a horizontal position as shown below. Then choose Blue, and move the blue line...
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Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Sometimes I feel my relationship with God has grown cold. I get consumed on thinking I need to do more-volunteering, bible studies, worship, quite time etc. I thought to myself, have I lost my focus? Why is it sometimes I feel so empty and fruitless. In the deepest depair of my heart I prayed, "Lord point out anything you find in me that makes you sad. Speak to me dear Lord". God has His own way...
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My love for gowns started ever since I was a lil' girl watching cartoons of  Snow White and Cinderella wearing those beautiful gowns. It literally took me off  to a fairy land. I dreamt often wearing gowns and a prince would come and sweep me off my feet. Unfortunately I didn't find my Prince Charming in my dream world. But glad I found him now ;) Anyways I was thinking if ever I become...
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Friday, May 29, 2015


I just finished reading 1st and 2nd Kings. I have read few times in the past but this time is was so refreshing. One passage that really moved me was the way Elijah encountered God in a GENTLE WHISPER. Elijah had just had a bad ending to a great event in his life. He had just gotten rid of all of the prophets of Baal, when Jezebel, the evil queen threatened to kill him. For some reason,...
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Sometimes in the journey of searching for greater happiness, we forget the little things that we do for each other. Let's take time to remember the small sweet moments and things and remind ourselves not to forget the importance of those little actions! Here is a lil' poem written for my's called "LITTLE THINGS" The times you call to check if I'm fine The days you say, let's go...
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Monday, April 27, 2015


Well...hello there! Today I thought it was time to pop back in for a moment and show you something pretty. I come across fabulous little finds around the web that ended up on my "lil red dress" folder. You know... that lil red dress that catch your eye, that would be nice to are few of them: ...
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