Thursday, March 27, 2014


I was raised conservatively (and that’s an understatement believe me). I went to Christian schools from kindergarten to college. I could say that I grew up knowing God. It’s only when I was in my 20′s though when I got to know Him on a deeper, more personal level. I used to know Him only in theory, until life became a little dramatic and I felt and understood that theory. God is love, He is nearer...
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA, MOM, MUMMY............. I have no idea what I would have done if this lady wasn't in my life...Thank you for all your love and sacrifice ma! This time I'm not writing a poem for you but just wanno recall your popular one-liners :) Wake up its late Did you turn off the lights? Have your breakfast Take your plate to the kitchen Have some fruits Eat this vegetable Drink water Change...
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I feel sometimes I'm not loving God as much as I need to. I so wanno start loving Him all over again. God was showing me lil' bit of His love for me in this powerful passage. It was like He told me, "No matter how much you have messed up, I'll still have mercy on you". Especially the last line, "I'll say to Nobody, "You are my dear Somebody". This was God's message from Hosea chapter 2: 14-15 “And...
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