Monday, November 22, 2010


This blog writting is by hannah, my dearst friend who is a guest editor of my blog. I reeely loved this one, my eyes were filled with tears and there was a smile on my face when I read this. Thank you so much. Love you, Hannah.

Grace and I went to same college, which was far away from our homes. We stayed in same hostel faced same problems. Right from homesickness to culture shock. We met people who lived lives that were 10 yrs ancient. Life went on we have joy and tears. One thing that we dint realize until late was that when upon life's billows tossed us, we still had something to laugh about, we had something to smile about.

Grace's dad who treated me like a family member was suddenly diagnosed with cancer in the urinary bladder. All of us were upset. We could not believe that a man who lived a much-disciplined life-style could be affected with any health issues. Thankfully, the good Lord opened all the ways and best doctors treated uncle and operated the lump. While uncle was still in bed, many people visited him. Aunty was a very sweet person very nervous and anxious just like any other wife and mother would be. The environment in the hospital was quiet and people came with lot of empathy and there was a lot of seriousness in the air. Aunty was so nervous and told one friend "yes, they removed this lump from his uterus (exists only in women)." Uncle who was in bed could not laugh as it was his urinary bladder that was operated indeed and it would hurt if he added pressure on it by laughing. When uncle was fine enough to talk, he said in a funny tone, "some people have created rumors that I have a uterus."

When grace was conversing about this funny event that occurred in the hospital, I realized that when upon life's billows you are tempest tossed God still sheds a ray of hope and gives you a reason to laugh and smile.

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