Thursday, September 6, 2012


If I were everything God made me to be, you wouldn’t be reading this. It is hard to be single when everybody around you is not especially when all your friends are getting married and some even have babies. The “big” topic everywhere you go is about being in a relationship or being single. Sometimes I ask myself if there is a reason I am single. Whatever it is, I am going to fix it so...
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I live in a glass house. Being a preacher’s daughter, I knew at a young age that our family was on display. We are the model for what a family was to look like. All eyes are on us. Perfection became not just my standard but my obsession. When I was incapable of attaining perfection, I became really good at hiding my imperfections. So good, in fact, that I had almost fooled myself into thinking...
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