Thursday, July 26, 2012


Came in to my world in the least expected way Made it colorful and beautiful every single day Your presence made me stumble upon cloud nine Coz You always made sure I'm happy and fine Every single time that you held my little hand Wish that moment stayed forever till the end Darkness beacame light when you shone like a star But now you are so close but feel like you're far I regret...
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Oh, look at that flawless beautiful face Isn't she lovely full of innocent grace Her hair is so silky falling on her eyes She is so pretty said all the girls and guys Her eyes are so captivating with eye-liner People think she must be a perfect designer There's a broken heart behind the make up  Her ear-rings sparkles as she moves around Glittering along as she walks up and down Her...
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Was just meditating on Intimacy with God and how to step into God's presence. I just read this and thought it was so super awesome. Hope it blesses you as it blessed me. ...
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Thursday, July 5, 2012


This is the write up about my thoughts about Denmark and the Danes which was sent to the channels team: The long awaited dream to visit Denmark came true when I got the opportunity to work along with my Danish colleagues in Aarhus. Pleasant summer was very welcoming and I was delighted to see lush greenery everywhere. Since my apartment was right at the heart of the city it was an added advantage...
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