Wednesday, February 22, 2012


We face trials on a daily basis. Some days or weeks are worse than others. It seems that just when you feel like you've reached your end and can't handle anymore, there seems to be more. That was my week and I'm sure many others may feel the same way. "Where is God" we think secretly, even though we know His Word says He is with us all the time. "Why are these things happening", our reasons don't...
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Lord please can You tell me this The BEST You had, did i miss To hear Ur voice & follow Ur plan Or do everything i possibly can Lord could U kindly bring me back Coz Your tender mercy now i lack Could You just cure my blindness In Your deepest loving kindness Lord help me see You clear To reject every doubt and fear To know Your will for my life To shun my own mind at strife Lord the desire...
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Thursday, February 2, 2012


As you woke up this morning, what was the first thing that went through your mind? Did you wake up with a song of praise on your lips? When we start the day in worship, we start the day connected to Almighty God. When we live a lifestyle of praise, it shows that our faith is constantly in Him. We make glorifying God a priority. It’s not secondary, “Oh, if I have time.” No, you’re always talking...
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